Appeals Process

The readers, authors, reviewers, or any other person may submit a formal appeal through the official email ( of the journal regarding any problem, including but not limited to any conflict, delays in review or publishing or article processing charges or rejection of manuscripts to the chief editor. The case will be referred to the Appeals Committee of the Editorial Board/ Advisory Board to give recommendations to the Board for decision in the light of the Core Practices of COPE, COPE Guidelines and Policies of WAME, and Council of Science Editors and HEC. The Committee is comprised of;

  1. Dr. Mian Mukhtar ul Haq Azeemi
  2. Dr. Jawed AKbar Dars

Journal's Ombudsman 

In case the appellant does not agree to the recommendations of the Appeals Committee and decision of the Editorial Board, he can put appeal to the Journal's Ombudsman as detailed below. His decision will be final and the appellant and the Editorial Board will have to abide by it.

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Raza Shah TI, Ph.D., FRCP Edinburgh, International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS), H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry, University of Karachi, Pakistan
